Self help 1

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Understanding Why a Lot of Self Improvement Techniques Do Not Work

Understanding Why a Lot of Self Improvement Techniques Do Not Work
If your life is not going as planned and you desperately want for things to finally go your way, people usually look back and see where things have gone wrong. Many people cling onto various self improvement techniques. They attend programs and pay for courses. They hire life coaches. While some of their efforts get them significant results, this is not always reliable. Sometimes, even if you think you have done all that you can possibly do, self-improvement is never achieved.

Why do some self-improvement techniques fail?

In life, you will meet a lot of failures and make a lot of mistakes. These failures have the power to bring you down, but it is up to you if you will allow it to happen. There are people who refuse to be defeated by failures and they find a means to get out of it a winner.

Self-improvement techniques are not always successful because of different reasons:

·        When a person relies on self- improvement books, you do it because you are hopeful that the content will help to transform you. In anticipation for this promised change, you get so excited in the first few days but after you notice that nothing has come, you lose interest, and things just go back to normal.

·        It is easy to find reasons not to do something. It does not even matter if the tips are helpful or not. It does not matter if the books speak of truths or if they make no sense at all. People who want to improve their lives will get to do it and the formula lies within themselves and not on the proper book or course selection.

·        Self-improvement techniques can also fail because the person is not ready. Perhaps they think they are, but once something is actually demanded from them, they will realize that they are not prepared to take the move and they are much too comfortable in their positions to take any risks.

Making Things Work

Self-improvement techniques can fail, for anyone. If it is not working for you but it is for working somebody else, you do not have to worry about it, at all. Instead, you should find a means to understand why you failed, so that you can turn things around and allow things to go on your favor.

·        Begin your own self-improvement habit. This will involve practices that will become your habits so that you do not force a change, but you imbibe some sort of transformation that is going to be permanent.

·        Write down a schedule. Time management is a powerful thing and it is also useful in self-improvement. Write down your schedule for the day and determine how many minutes or hours in a day you are willing to devote to various self-improvement techniques such as meditation, audio hypnoses, yoga and so forth.

·        Stay on track. Do not falter and do not quit. Self-improvement techniques fail because most people get tired and frustrated too easily, especially if they do not like the results that they get.

Understanding What Self Improvement Really Means

       Understanding What Self Improvement Really Means

There are countless self-improvement books and courses out in the market and there are also countless followers of various self-improvement rituals. Many people talk about self-improvement as an everyday norm, but do these people really understand what self-improvement truly means?

Piecing Out the Words

There have been many terms for self-improvement. Some people refer to it as self-development. Some call it self-growth. Regardless of what you call it, though, it only means one thing and this is the power that gains access to the subconscious mind, in order to attain true growth and development that comes from within. They say that if you are able to tap into your subconscious mind, you will be able to alter your behavior, your habits and your attitudes. If your relate it to self-improvement, you will realize that by being able to gain access to your subconscious mind, you make yourself capable of reinventing your entire self.

Methods of Self-Improvement

Self-improvement can be attained using various methods. Some of these practices are more effective to others but some will be useless. To be able to meet self-improvement or development, people try to employ the following techniques:

·        Meditation: Mediation succeeds to bring peace into a person’s heart, body and mind. Meditation can be done in different ways. Some people do yoga exercises because it allows them to relax their body and leave their troubles behind, even for a while. Some people find listening to music quite meditating. There are specific tunes and melodies that encourage rest and relaxation, and meditation can help someone channel into the subconscious so that they can empower it.

·        Self-affirmation: It is also quite effective when you speak to yourself in reassuring tones. By picking the right words and the right motivations, you will succeed to empower your endeavors. You can start a habit of speaking to yourself when you are preparing to begin your day. Whisper words of encouragement that will get you going, and let these words fuel your journey.

·        Visualization: Visualization is more than just dreaming. Dreams occur in your head and in your sleep, and may not make it to your reality. When you visualize something to be true, you claim it and you fight for it. Visualization allows one person to empower himself or herself to be able to want more, do more and be more than what he ought to be.

Making a Stronger Claim

No one can probably guarantee a positive change in their life, but if you are willing enough, you will realize that success is meant for everybody and it is just a matter of timing and right strategy. If you employ the right techniques, you will get there. However, if you do not do a good job at it, you can easily lose your way, your direction and your focus.

To ensure success, therefore, you will have to be more aggressive with your claim.

·        Do it now. There is no reason to procrastinate. Putting things to the very last minute will only hurt your chances of ever getting there. If you are going to do something, do it now, and do not wait a minute longer.

·        Some things cannot be changed. Although it would be nice for you to be able to alter things to your liking, you have to realize that some things are permanent, and it would be better if you learn to accept.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Understanding the Importance of Self Worth

Understanding the Importance of Self Worth

Having a sense of self worth is very important. Self worth affects your self-image and if you look down on yourself then you will project an image that does not deserve respect. Self worth affects and defines your level of confidence, which means that if you have a high regard for yourself then you will have more self confidence. As you know, confidence in yourself will help you achieve more things on your own—even those things that you normally are not capable of doing. Aside from this, self worth also dictates your happiness. A person who is content and satisfied with how his or her life is will be the happiest person in the world and it does not matter what other people think or say. When you have high self worth, you would not really care about what other people have to say about you, because you are pretty sure about who you are as a person and what you can do.

Determining Whether or Not You have a High Level of Self Worth

Some people go through their lives without really realizing that they have very low regard for themselves. Many people are too preoccupied with their everyday struggles that they fail to focus on the most important things, and that is, how to overcome their own challenges and difficulties. Do you value yourself? Do you have enough respect for yourself? Here are some questions that you can ask, to be able to help determine your answer to the question: “How much do I really value myself?”

·        Do you understand what self worth means? As simple it sounds, not knowing how to define self worth would mean you have not even considered it in your life. What is self worth to you and how important is it to you that you value yourself or not? Your answer to this question will have a significant impact in your life.

·        What is your true worth? How much do you weigh on others and on your own standing? Do you think that other people will put a high value on you? Those who have high self worth will have fun answering this question because they can be proud about themselves. Someone who has no or very little self worth will struggle in coming up with a definite answer.

Increasing Your Own Self-Worth

If you are wondering why your life is going nowhere, then why not stop for a while so you could take a good look at everything that you have right now. Many people do not even know that the problem lies within them. They blame circumstance; they blame chance and worst, they blame other people for the things that they are unable to accomplish. When you are looking for the answer to a problem, start from within. That way you will find out the root cause of the problem.
Your life is precious, and you are precious. But if you do not realize this already, then you’ve got a problem right there. Allow yourself to shine because you deserve the spotlight.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Understanding the Empowerment Process

Understanding the Empowerment Process

Some people can do certain things that others do not. Those who do are able to enjoy a better quality of life, while everyone else has to work harder to keep up. If you are physically, emotionally or mentally incapable of doing something, it does not mean that you are to just accept defeat. There are ways for you to be able to break free; and that is through self-empowerment.

The Process

Almost everything in life follows a process. If you are trying to work on empowering yourself, you should be prepared to do the work. One cannot achieve this overnight. Just as a towering tree grows from a small plant, you have to start somewhere. Empowerment starts from within you and as soon as you realize what has become of your life, you will begin to question the life you have lived as well as the decisions you have made. It is your self-awareness that will cause you to seek changes and long for something better for yourself.

The Importance of Self-Empowerment

Why should you seek changes and long for more? If it is hard to empower yourself, why is it even worth taking the risks? Well, self-empowerment is more than just gaining the physical energy to make things happen. If you can effectively empower yourself, you can enjoy the following benefits:

·        Achieve efficiency and productivity in performance. If you are empowered, you will be more capable to complete tasks and you will be able to complete tasks with considerable efficiency. You will work faster and more effectively. There will be an improvement in the way you perform and these will be reflected by the results you achieve.

·        You will be more passionate and more appreciative of everything. Passion is a strong and powerful fuel for success. When someone works with passion, he works more effectively, he hardly tires and he finds no reason to complain. If you care more about what you do then you will work harder for your goals.

·        It helps to keep you organized. A person who is empowered has cause to be ambitious. This ambition helps give you courage and it will teach you to be more organized, so you understand the importance of setting goals and writing out plans.

Taking Charge of Your Life

Self-empowerment enables a person to gain control over his or her life. You should be the leader of your life, and you should not let anyone make the decisions for you. As the leader and driver of your destiny, you should know where you want to go and who you want to become. More so, as a leader, you shall gain the added responsibility to empower those who are around you. Empowerment is infectious and once you have it in your life, it will be evident in you. As an empowered individual you will be able to tap into your inner greatness, and allow yourself to shine. You will break through barriers and you will achieve things, beyond your imagination.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Training Yourself to Become One Great Leader

Training Yourself to Become One Great Leader

They say that some people are born leaders. Well, this may be true but what’s even truer is that every person can train himself to become a good leader. You can choose to be just a follower but you can never realize your own potentials unless you explore how it is being a leader.
Being a leader provides you with many advantages. Your decision is eventually considered by your members, you get to instruct people and delegate tasks, and you get the recognition for a hard work contributed by the rest of the team. These are just a few of the many benefits a person will get from owning leadership.

So, the big question is “How to become a good leader?” Yes, to be a leader requires great responsibility but it is not without hard work and perseverance to be called as such.

To Be a Leader is to Be a Servant

A leader first serves the members, ensuring that their needs are met. Thus, such an individual is called a servant leader.

Sounds like a cliché? Yes, it does sound very familiar. But what does the saying exactly mean? It simply pertains to a leader performing the deeds of his or her members to set an example of someone who is very capable of doing the job. By doing this, you are also gaining the trust and respect of your team. In other words, a good leader “walks the talk”.

A servant leader looks after the welfare of his members and attends to their needs because he understands that by giving the people what they need, they are bound to do more and perform even better. Servant leadership is a very effective type of leadership approach.

Maintain Balance

It does not just refer to the bulk of work that you assign to your team members but it also means giving due consideration to their decisions rather than just imposing personal decisions. You learn to hear out other members’ suggestions and comments about something. This way, you are giving them the feeling of equality and freedom to express themselves.

In times of challenging situations, a leader knows how to keep the members calm rather than worried.

Carrying that Level of Confidence

A good confidence level is one significant characteristic of a good leader. By being confident means having the personal conviction that he can lead the team to achieve goals. If you wish to become a leader, learn how to project that aura of confidence to your members. They will feel motivated to perform their tasks seeing that their leader is competent enough to set the direction for the team.
It’s time for you to step up and challenge your leadership skills. Even as a member, you can show your leadership abilities and eventually be recognized for possessing such skill. Always remember to choose to be a good leader and to be an inspiration to others, not a leader who discourages people due to dispiriting and unremarkable actions.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Tips to Build Self-Confidence

Tips to Build Self-Confidence

Youve most likely seen people where you work, at school or other areas of your life that always exude self-confidence. Everything always seems to be perfect in the lives of these people and theyre always calm, cool and collected. In addition, they succeed in all things they attempt. Does this mean theyre smarter than you are? Do they just have more money than you? Are they simply lucky and youre not?

The answer to all of those questions is a resounding NO. People with self-confidence understand how effective it is to believe in themselves and depend on their talents and abilities. Its this self-confidence that creates the opportunities in life to be successful. These work together because every time you experience another success, youve added another dimension to your self-confidence. Success reinforces the self-confidence you may already have with the attainment of each new goal.

People with self-confidence see themselves as being able to do and get things they want. Its that perception that helps to create the reality of confidence in their lives. As long as you believe in yourself, you can climb mountains. Believe in yourself, act on this belief and youll feel confident before you know it.
If youre just not sure how to start becoming more confident, try following these tips to see if they get you going:

·        List your strong points: These include all of the positive things, or things you like about yourself. Think back to compliments that youve received and things that you can do easily. Dont analyze anything. If its a good point, then list it.

·        Next, select two of the good things that you want to make even better: Success is important and when you focus on the areas you already excel at, your chances become even better that youll become more confident. Keep in mind that success builds upon other successes.

·        Appear confident even if youre not: Say encouraging things to yourself and dont allow any negative thinking or people to be around you if you can help it. Instead, join groups of confident, successful and positive people. Once you start doing this, it will become a confidence building habit.

·        Start seeing yourself differently than you usual: This is a very effective confidence building exercise. When you can view yourself as a self-confident person, its easier to actually become that way. Remember that positive thinking can affect everything in your life in a positive way.

It may take a little while to let these new and positive habits take hold and start building your self-confidence up. So dont be upset if you have a set back now and then. Think back to the times in recent history when you displayed this new self-confidence that youre developing and youll know that youre not a failure. Its sort of just like getting back up on a horse or bicycle when you fall off. You just keep trying until it takes no effort at all to get confidence to the level it needs to be.

You’re not as Depressed as You Think You Are

You’re not as Depressed as You Think You Are Plenty of people out there are depressed with where their life is heading. The economy is ...