Self help 1

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Change What You Can and Hide the Rest

Change What You Can and Hide the Rest

For many people, physical flaws can put their self-confidence UNDER the barrel. These can be such things as being too heavy or too skinny, having acne or other skin conditions, unsightly birthmarks, and a variety of other things. Many of these can be changed and others you’ll just have to learn how to live with them. It’s the flaws that really bother you that you need to focus on changing.

For instance, weight is an issue for many people in the world these days. In lots of cultures, people that are carrying a bit of extra weight are not considered to be attractive. It’s also in those same cultures that only thin people are considered beautiful. Whatever happened to just being healthy no matter what size that turned out to be for someone? First, consider that you’re not one of those cookie cutter people with a skinny body. Then stand in front of a full length mirror completely naked. If you don’t like what you see, start taking some steps to change. That means that you don’t get to hide in your house and never go out among people.

 It means you start changing.
If you happen to have a really bad case of acne, there are so many different products on the market today just for this, that you could probably spend an entire year just trying them all out. They’re not all going to work for you, but there’s a chance that one of them will. In the event that none of them do much for you, there are plenty of home remedies that will go a long way in reducing your problem. As a last resort, you may need to see a dermatologist to deal with the issue. The point is that there are many ways to change this part of your life if you really put your mind to it.

Some things such as birthmarks and scars may be more difficult to deal with or change. However, if you can’t change something like this, you can take advantage of one of the many types of makeup available these days and simply conceal this part of yourself that hinders your self-confidence. Something that you need to remember when you hide physical flaws like this is that once someone really likes you, a scar or birthmark isn’t going to drive that person away. All they need is to get to know the real you.

The real you is, after all, the most important part of this entire exercise. People that are beautiful and have such self-confidence that it practically drips off of them are often not beautiful on the inside. This can make you wonder if it’s even worth trying to compete against those people. Of course, it is! Because while you may not compare in physical beauty, once you’ve learned to let out your inner beauty and have become confident enough to really let it shine, you’re going to blow that soulless beauty right out of the water! 

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